Fuzzy Thoughts of David

To be led by the spirit of God is perhaps the most…

To be led by the spirit of God is perhaps the most freeing, yet the most difficult and fearful thing one can do. To follow God’s spirit while not knowing for sure, not always understanding and at times, not believing what one is doing can make a difference makes life an incredible adventure while at the same time makes it a scary proposition. Following one’s own views, ideas and plans is much, much easier.

Following the spirit is not simply speaking in tongues, singing peppy songs or being happy all the time. It is a constant struggle to understand God’s ways (which are not our ways) and His will (which isn’t always our will). At times it means to wait when we want to go and to go when we want to wait. It is following a still small voice when we long to see a big real sign. It is not always knowing, or understand where one is going, but having the confidence that one does not go alone. It is knowing that no matter what, nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

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