Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: Scripture

  • Review – Devotions on the Greek New Testament

    [amazon asin=0310492548&template=wishlist] As I make my way through this devotional (I received a pre-release electronic copy in exchange for an honest review), I find myself thinking, “I need a devotional like this.” I simply love this devotional. Part of why I like it so much has to do with my desire to keep my Greek…

  • Review – The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg

    [amazon asin=B0031QHHH4&template=wishlist] At one time in my life I believed that if I wanted to grow spiritually it meant praying for an hour each day. For a while I attempted this practice. Each morning I would arise with my outline and a watch. For a while I was able to successfully pray through the outline…

  • Review: Jesus: A Theography by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola

    [amazon asin=0849947022&template=wishlist&chan=default] I received an advance electronic copy of this book for an honest review. I had looked forward to reading this book, but I had no idea what was in store for me. I’ve heard and read that all of Scripture can be read through the lens of Christ, but I had felt, at…

  • N. T. Wright on Digital Tools for Bible Study

    N. T. Wright sat down with Logos to discuss digital tools for Bible study, the importance of original language study, some favorite books, and more. He has some very enlightening comments and calls for a bigger global vision. Check it out!

  • Light to my Feet, or Weight Around my Neck

      In Psalm 119, the writer shares his love of God’s word. He wants to learn it, be guided by it and meditate on it day and night. He views it as a light, and a comfort and in God’s word he places his trust. I have not always resonated with Psalm 119. Instead, I…