Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: twitter

  • Methodist Hashtags

    Here are some twitter hashtags: #emergingumc #methomergent #umclead:  Responses to the Call to Action event

  • Why I’ve Cooled on Twitter and Facebook

    I have been a Twitter user since February 2007. At first I did not use Twitter too much. But after I found TweetDeck I discovered that Twitter could be a very useful too. I was able to connect with people, get news stories, and ended up discovering new things on the internet. Some of the…

  • A New Start

    Yes, you have reached my new website. I decided to redesign the whole thing and use Drupal to do it. This will also be ‘test’ ground for my Drupal experiments. For now, here are some links to find my stuff: places you can find me on the internet: my fuzzyThinking blog my doctoral blog my…

  • Random Stuff

    Random Stuff. That link is to my Tumblr website . It is basically a simple blog, but it allows me to do a few things I can’t do on any of my other blogs. Anyway, I’m keeping it for more random stuff, what I’m doing (via Twitter) and links via Del.icio.us and especially quotes I…