Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: Statistics

  • What’s the Point???

    Read this post and found myself wondering…if low number can be good (God’s winnowing) or bad (reflecting a group becoming too exclusive) and if high numbers can be good (God’s spirit moving) or bad (people coming for wrong reasons), then what’s the point of numbers? Do we really need to count the heads to know…

  • More and More Convinced

    I am being more and more convinced that the best route for the UMC would be to do two things: 1) Get rid of membership. 2) Stop asking for church statistics. I write these things because I believe if we stopped doing those two things, we would have to revisit what it means to be…

  • ABCs of success

      One of the problems I have with the church growth movement is that it adopted methods with the assumption that methods are value neutral. This is false: some methods by their very nature distort the message. Focusing on method we bought uncritically into worldly assumptions about how the world works. Most insidious of these…

  • Numb3rs

    Ah..Numb3rs. I love the show…but I also seem to love numbers. Perhaps it is because I am, in real life, a computer guy. I dig math. However, God called me out of the computer matrix into the church. What I find is I can still dig math, statistics, and numbers. Yet, I’m begining to sense…

  • The Faithful Skeptic: Community

    The Faithful Skeptic: Community A wonderful post with some very good questions. Hopefully today I can post my thoughts on Numbers and the UMC. The issue I think that we must deal with is "Social Networks." When I post about "Numbers" this will be an important concept. There are "Social Networks" the church ignores. IF…