Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: discipleship

  • Perfect Desire

    Christian Perfection was one of the defining elements of John Wesley’s theology and also one of the most controversial. Beginning a sermon entitled Christian Perfection Wesley acknowledges how people respond to the idea of being perfected in this life. There is scarce any expression in Holy Writ which has given more offence than this. The…

  • Annual Conference

    So, here I am at annual conference. I’m surrounded by a lot of great people. They love God. They want to work. So, then why is our conference looking people? As I sat there, I had to honestly admit to myself that I didn’t know. Well, I think I have an idea. It seems like…

  • Being Unclear

    He sees innovative churches as key for urban America’s transformation – (BP) If you’re not crystal clear about what you’re trying to produce when you’re making disciples, then it is pretty unlikely that they’re going to be able to stand in the face of what our culture calls them to and seduces them with.” Marking…

  • Emergent Village – WWJ…Be? I never really got…

    Emergent Village – WWJ…Be? I never really got into the whole “WWJD” craze. Deep down, I felt that something was missing. I believe Javad Shadzi hits the mark. I remember in seminary being introduced to “being vs doing.” I was squarly in the doing camp. It is so easy, to forget that God wants to…