Before we left, one of our daughters told us to take pictures of our food. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a picture of my food, even though I know many who do. Nevertheless, we tried to remember to take pictures at mealtime.
I am a creature of habit, and I sensed this trip could be a time to venture out and try new things. One of the things I said I would not try is Haggis. It simply didn’t sound appetizing.
Our hotel offered a pretty good breakfast menu, and…right there….was Haggis along with Black Pudding. In the pictures of our food, you will see both Haggis and Black Pudding. Neither was as bad as I thought they would be. In fact, I did order Haggis again and my wife even ordered chicken stuffed with Haggis at one of the Pubs.
I’ve known for a long time that staying inside our comfort zone keeps us from experiencing the fullness of life. Trying new things, new activities, and new places adds spice to life.
Jesus also calls us to move out of our safe places. He calls us to leave what we are familiar with (Gen 12) and venture with him. Faithfulness to Jesus is impossible without moving outside our comfort zone. So, feel free to leave the constricting spaces of comfort and find the beautiful life Jesus calls you to!
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