3 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you set in place—
4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?
Psalm 8:3-4
The Psalmist asks an incredible question. What is there about us that causes God to care for us?
Over the past several weeks, I’ve been traveling with the purpose of connecting with God through nature. I’ve seen the Bad Lands, the Grand Canyon, Devil’s Tower and now I’m in a place called Portal Arizona with my telescope to gaze at God’s incredible handiwork.
Portal Arizona is a “Dark Sky” area. Because of all our lighting, the night sky gets filled with light so all we can see are the brightest stars. When you go to a Dark Sky area, the night sky is filled with stars, more than us city-dwellers can usually see.
Portal also has a place called “Sky Village” where the residents have decided to limit lighting. When we drove up, we saw many private observatories. These folks are serious about the night sky. I’ve counted over 10 different observatories.
I, too, am looking at the night sky and seeing “the work” of God’s fingers. I’ve seen the moon and the stars and much more such as Andromeda, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, etc., etc.
There have been times when I’ve stepped away from the telescope or binoculars and have simply said, “Wow.” Words escape me.
When I take time to really look around, I mean, really look, God’s handiwork is amazing. I imagine the Psalmist out one night in really dark skies. Since the Psalmist wouldn’t have artificial lights the night sky would have been amazing. He looks up and sees the stars, the moon, and objects he didn’t even have words to describe. He sees God’s majesty displayed through creation and wonders “why?”
If God is able to create this incredible world and amazing universe, why would God care about us? After all, who are we? Who are we compared to One who can set the sun, moon, planets, stars, and galaxies into motion? Why would a being like God care about beings like us? Why would God care so much about us and give us so much responsibility to us?
Through nature, God displays his glory and majesty. Perhaps by caring for us, God shows something much different; His grace. I’m realizing that I should only be in awe because of the “Work of God’s fingers”, but also the display of God’s grace and love. That I see operating in my own life. Every. Single. Day.
May you take a deeper and longer look and may you see both God’s majesty and God’s grace.
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