Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: Story

  • The Christian Movie Establishment vs. Blue Like Jazz

    The movie Blue Like Jazz is set to hit movie screens April 13th. I’ve been waiting for this movie to come since I heard Don Miller discuss the possibility quite a few years ago. The project was on, then off, then saved by an amazing KickStart campaign and now, in less than a month, the movie…

  • What If The Story was Different?

    As I was pondering the account of Joseph (or the story of Joseph) in Genesis 39, I started wondering, what would have happened if Joseph would have given in to Potiphar’s wife’s advances? After all, by not giving in and thus standing up for what was right he ended up in prision. How different would…

  • Brian McLaren on Becoming Emergent

    Link to the PDF file. Here McLaren tries, to share his background and biography as he moved to emergent. Of course many might already have seen this, but I post it for those who come here from non-emergent backgrounds…