Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Category: Living

  • Politics and Gas Prices

    I saw a posting on Facebook about gas prices. I tend to be the type of person that always tries to ‘check things out’ to see what I can believe and what is bunk. Well, in my research about the gas prices (and the FB comment), I ran across this article. It probably won’t make…

  • Getting Through It

    Life is not always joyous and happy. Sometimes we are called to live through situations that are painful. They are the dark times of our lives. They are times we would rather forget and would not wish even on our enemies. I have found that I can try to fight against these times anyway possible.…

  • “The Shooting Gallery Called America”

    Bishop Coyner, bishop of the Indiana United Methodist Conference, addressed the recent school shooting in Ohio in his “E-pistles.” He writes that it is time to confess that we, as Americans, are a violent people. We need to realize that our violence is deeper than guns and shootings. It seems to be in the fabric…

  • Is it Time to Switch from Google?

    This is from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) concerning the new Google privacy policy: On March 1st, Google will implement its new, unified privacy policy, which will affect data Google has collected on you prior to March 1st as well as data it collects on you in the future. Until now, your Google Web History…

  • Churches comfort after Ohio school tragedy – UMC.org

    Words cannot express the sadness of this situation. Even though we live in a culture, that many times, has little need of the church, there are somethings that drive us back to God. Lord, we do need you. We need you now more than ever before. Here’s an article from UMC.org telling how some United…