Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: Missional Church

  • Missional Thoughts

    As I continue to study the missional church I find myself believing that this is what “church” is meant to be. At the core, being missional is understanding and believing that you are “sent.” (See John 20:21). Yet, I find most of the time my tradition focuses on making disciples (Matt 28:19-20) while overlooking the…

  • Missional Church

    Missional Church – LifeWiki Ah….Now this is more like it. A pretty good start on the definition of a missional church. Now…how does one transform from a from a traditional 100+ denominational church into a missional church?

  • A Thought From Vacation

    I have no idea how others are able to post to their blogs while on vacation. Right now, I finally have a few moments and thought I’d try a post during my vacation. It seems like a geeky thing to do. Also, if all works well, I’ll have wireless access my last day of vacation…