Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: missional

  • Practical Atheists

    After all, most of us professing Christians, from the liberals to the fundamentalists, remain practical atheists in most of our lives. This is so because even we think the church is sustained by the “services” it provides or the amount of “fellowship” and “good feeling” in the congregation. Of course there is nothing wrong with…

  • Introduction To The Missional Church by Alan Roxburgh

    Introducing the Missional Church: What It Is, Why It Matters, How to Become One by Alan J. Roxburgh My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is probably the best book I’ve read introducing the missional church. Roxburgh does an excellent job describing what missional ministry is, and what it isn’t. The one critique I do…

  • Experimental Ministry

    Alan Roxburgh discusses Missional Imagination in his book “Introduction to the Missional Church.” In discussing Saul (later Paul) and his transformation he writes, “Information and definitions were not the issue; what Saul needed was a radical transformation of his imagination-of the way in which he saw the world.” So Roxburgh basically defines imagination as “how…

  • Where You Don’t Want to Go

    The end of John contains an image I continue to reflect on as I work on my dissertation in Missional Spirituality and pastoring a church. Jesus looks at Peter and says, “Very truly, I tell you, when you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and to go wherever you wished. But when…

  • My Dissertation Project

    I have started my dissertation project which is a good thing. Trying to explain it though is kind of difficult. The reason I have such difficult explaining it is because the project address cultural issues and the church’s response. I have read that there is an old Chinese proverb that says, “If you want to…