Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Tag: ministry

  • Shared Leadership and the Church

    Shared Leadership and the Church

    Wheels of Progress In over twenty years of pastoring, I have not known the church to be on the “cutting edge” of culture. There may be an argument about some mega-churches focusing on innovation, but for the majority of churches, the wheels of progress move quite slowly. The statements of “We’ve never done it that…

  • A Book that Changed My Life

    A Book that Changed My Life

    A Book Really Changed Your Life? Some might say the title exhibits hyperbole. Perhaps, but I’m not completely convinced. I don’t name this post lightly. Let me share why I say a book changed my life. Along with several other churches, my church was participating in a transformational process sponsored by our conference. One of…

  • Prayer: Oxygen for the Soul

    I just recently stumbled upon this article. I’ve noticed the while UMs seem to believe in prayer and try to promote prayer, we really don’t pray. We might have prayer before meetings, or in our services, yet it feels like we are simply trying to do what we are expected to do. When we relinquish…

  • Not As Easy As it Sounds

    Somethings are pretty straightforward. You read or hear about them and it is fairly easy to implement. Other things sound pretty easy and make sense, but implementing them is difficult if not impossible because obstacles and attitudes stand in the way. I agree with this sentiment article and I have for years. However, this is…

  • God Working In and Through (Church in a Bar)

    The Missional church is being an agent and instrument of God’s Kingdom by discovering how God wants to “put things back to rights” and allowing him to work through us in fulfilling his purposes. This church is a good example. The question it leaves in my mind is: How is good wanting to impact our…