Somethings are pretty straightforward. You read or hear about them and it is fairly easy to implement. Other things sound pretty easy and make sense, but implementing them is difficult if not impossible because obstacles and attitudes stand in the way.
I agree with this sentiment article and I have for years. However, this is easier said than done. What is a pastor to do if he or she tries to raise up others for work, but they don’t want to work? What if they have other priorities? Family, work, entertainment, etc., all take time and energy. Many cite that 20% of people do 80% of the work. The other day I heard a lay person say that 10% of the people do 100% of the work. Sometimes it seems he might be right. If so, the pastors have a lot of work to do…
Here’s a quote from the article. The full article is linked for your convenience:
The pastor really has one job, and it has nothing to do with running committees, hospital visits, service bulletins, capital campaigns, and all other sorts of craziness that has become pastoral tradition. Based on Ephesians 4:11, the pastor isn’t supposed to be the doer of all ministry, but rather the equipper of people who do all of the ministry. As simply as it can be put, the job of the pastor is to raise up other people to do the work.
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