Category: Church
Not As Easy As it Sounds
Somethings are pretty straightforward. You read or hear about them and it is fairly easy to implement. Other things sound pretty easy and make sense, but implementing them is difficult if not impossible because obstacles and attitudes stand in the way. I agree with this sentiment article and I have for years. However, this is…
Have we gotten heaven all wrong? – N. T. Wright
N. T. Wright is my favorite biblical scholar. He has helped me work through many issues regarding biblical faith. Here’s an article where Wright addresses the concept of Heaven and how we have gotten it wrong. I highly suggest to not just read this article, but also work through the belief systems that have created…
God Working In and Through (Church in a Bar)
The Missional church is being an agent and instrument of God’s Kingdom by discovering how God wants to “put things back to rights” and allowing him to work through us in fulfilling his purposes. This church is a good example. The question it leaves in my mind is: How is good wanting to impact our…
We’re Dying…but Still Vital
This is from an article about a pastor from New York who put “Obama is Evil” on his church sign. What caught my eye was the bit at the end. I was a bit perplexed when the pastor said “In over 30 years we’ve had over 4,000 members” but when I got to the end…
Using God for Our Gain
I’m sure not all of the facts are out yet…regardless, it is very sad. Here is a quote from the article. To see the full article, follow the link: Whoever built the headquarters of the Bible-thumping Trinity Broadcasting Network in Southern California appears to have overlooked that famous passage in the Good Book about rich…