Category: Spirituality
Open Wide and Say…YES!
Visiting the Grand Cayon during my sabbatical was amazing. The day was beautiful and warm, with very few, if any, clouds. It was going to be a great day to visit the canyon. We arrived, parked the car in one of the parking lots, and made our way to the visitor center. We then walked…
Fear Factor
For several years we had a cat that liked to be left alone. She was a stray that showed up in our garage and we couldn’t get her to leave. After several weeks, we gave in, realizing that the cat had chosen us as her family, and we accepted her as a permanent resident. She…
Effortless Living
I love going home. During my sabbatical, I’ve had the opportunity to go home several times. Getting home is always good, but the trip home isn’t always the greatest. I’ve indicated elsewhere that I am goal focused. So, when I go home, I want to get home as quickly and efficiently as possible. I don’t…
Lenten Opportunities
Spin Cycle My mom would quip how she didn’t know if she was coming or going from time to time. Her acknowledgment usually came during busy times when I wanted to start a new activity or had something I needed her to do. My mom and dad were 43 when I came into the picture.…
Lenten Devotional
Looking for a Lenten Devotional? My friend Curt and I wrote one. It reflects on the four soils Jesus mentions in Matthew 13. Along with the reflections, there is space for your own thoughts as well as some spiritual practices. You can find more information and get the Kindle or paperback version at: Amazon Listing