Fuzzy Thoughts of David


I’m David Mullens and I post. I am a pastor, father of four, and currently working on a doctorate degree in spiritual formation from Asbury Theological Seminary among other things. Feel free to add me on twitter or facebook (I’m dmullens on there too. Just let me know you found me from this site).

I’ve heard that God draws straight with crooked lines. I know that is true in my life. My college degree was computer technology. I then went to seminary and became a pastor. After that, I was the sys admin for our conference office (while still a pastor). Then I worked as a Java Developer at a start up. Then I went back to being a pastor. Who knows what God will do next!

This site is my attempt to put some things in perspective. There may be posts about theology, technology, something I saw that I found interesting, or just things I’m trying out…or working out. I call it “fuzzythinking” because it is pretty fuzzy at times. Not everything is completely thought out quite yet. Feel free to leave comments (I’ll try to get better at getting them posted) so we can work things out together.



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