Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Update – Two Weeks and Counting

My surgery is less than two weeks away. We have it marked on the calendar, and some of my surgery prep begins in a few days. I’m glad the surgery is getting closer.

This week has been a bit more difficult than any over the past month. It started with a minor outpatient EGD on Monday but didn’t end there.

My potassium returned to normal a month ago, and I felt pretty good. The doctor has been monitoring it, so I’ve been getting it checked almost every week.

After my potassium returned to normal, it started dropping again. After having labs this week, it was low and getting close to critical. My doctor thought it best that I go to the hospital and have a potassium infusion. So my week ended with spending almost five hours at the hospital getting an infusion.

I continue to get cards and hear from others reminding me that I am in the prayers. I truly appreciate that! I hope they know they are in my prayers as well. I continue praying for St. Paul and those who, like me, are facing health challenges.

God continues to be faithful. I sense God’s presence and peace as I travel on this road. We can’t always choose our journey, but we can choose who we take. The Good News is that Jesus yearns to go with us.

But more than that, if we are willing, Jesus will take us on a much better journey. We tend to settle for how things are and struggle to do our best. Jesus invites us to a better journey characterized by his love, joy, and peace.

As I take this journey, Jesus’ love continues to surround me. I have confidence that no matter where the journey takes me, Jesus will be right by my side. May you find the same hope and confidence.

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8 responses to “Update – Two Weeks and Counting”

  1. Lee Carmichael Avatar
    Lee Carmichael

    David, thank you for the update. Know that you are in our thoughts and more importantly in our prayers daily. Thank you for your continued witness! Blessings

    1. David Avatar

      Thanks Lee! I really appreciate all the prayers!

  2. Duane Hornick Avatar
    Duane Hornick

    David just know you have and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. David Avatar

      Thank you Duane. I really appreciate it!

  3. Jim Birch Avatar
    Jim Birch

    Thanks for the update! Continued prayer and I’ve got some of the inmates at Putnamville praying for you as well.

    1. David Avatar

      Wow. Thanks Jim!

  4. Susan Martin Avatar
    Susan Martin

    Thank you for any updates. I’m praying for you several times a day. I know waiting is one of the hardest parts.

    1. David Avatar

      Thank Susan! I’m praying for your health challenges and journey as well.

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