Fuzzy Thoughts of David

The Wait is Over…

at least, I assumed it would be.

We had an appointment for a consultation with the surgeon. Before meeting with him, I had labs and an x-ray to ensure I was healthy for surgery.

Whenever anyone would ask if I had questions, I would always ask, “When’s the surgery…” each time, I was told they did not know, and the Dr. would let me know. So, I was pretty excited to discover the date of the surgery.

We met with the surgeon, and he went over the specifics. We looked at scans, and he showed us the tumor’s location. He talked about the type of tumor it was and how he was going to remove it.

I was surprised to learn my spleen would also be removed along with the surrounding lymph nodes. Because of the spleen removal, I would need a series of vaccines. Since the spleen works to prevent infection, once it is removed, I’ll have to keep up with vaccines and may need to take some form of antibiotics for a few years or the rest of my life.

I’m not thrilled about the spleen removal, but with the tumor being so close to the spleen, removal is the best option, with the least potential of surgical complications.

We left the office knowing much more about the surgery and what would be done. What we still didn’t know was the date of the surgery. The doctor said it would probably be in July, and someone would call us to schedule it.

I thought my wait was finally over…but I guess it’s not. It looks like I will be waiting a while longer.

Nevertheless, this downtime allows me to get healthier, do some reading, work on learning Spanish, and draw closer to Jesus.

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3 responses to “The Wait is Over…”

  1. Kathy Avatar

    Waiting is so frustrating! Prayers for you and your family!

  2. Susan Martin Avatar
    Susan Martin

    When I wrote this (below) on Facebook you and your wife are the main ones I pray for. I may miss a notification or two but you get prayed for many times a day. I understand waiting, that may be the hardest part. I understand hearing the word cancer. I hope you get a surgery date sooner than July!

    “ I actually wear two Fitbits! And they are not making me fit! I have not been able to take long walks since 2020, I guess I have a record of how I am feeling in a way because on really bad days I may only get 2-3 hundred steps. One of fitbits has a special feature that softly vibrates at 10 minutes before every hour to remind you to get your steps in for that hour. Sometimes I think it’s not working because I can go days without noticing it, other days I feel it every single time. This morning I thought it’s kind of like hearing God’s voice. When I’m tuned into him I hear him more than when I’m not. I also decided that although I am not using the Fitbit notifications to be physically active, I can use it to be more spiritually active. Every time it goes off I will pray for someone. Message me if you have a prayer request and I’ll add it to my list. I’ll pray for you at 10 till the hour.”

  3. Katherine Haseman Avatar
    Katherine Haseman

    David, continued prayers for you and your family as you wait for surgery.

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