Tag: pastoring
A Reason To Sit in the Back Pew (or An Illustration Gone Bad)
KOKOMO, Ind. — A pastor trying to demonstrate the concept of unity to his congregation broke his wrist when he accidentally drove a motorcycle off a 5-foot platform inside the church. Kokomo pastor crashes motorcycle in church | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star Not too much of a point to this post. This happened…
The Illusion of Leadership
Henri Nouwen writes, The great illusion of leadership is to think that man can be led out of the desert by someone who has never been there. Our lives are filled with examples which tell us that leadership asks for understanding and that understanding requires sharing. So long as we define leadership in terms of…
Pastor as Spiritual Director
I started thinking today about the pastor as spiritual director. I’ve seen many books that try to teach me how to be a CEO or something like that. I also get many invitations to conferences on church managment, growing large churches, etc. However, I’ve started to question the whole “grow the church large” mentality. I’ve…