Tag: John Wesley
The Power of Religion
Yet, on the authority of God’s Word, and our own Church, I must repeat the question, “Hast thou received the Holy Ghost?” If thou hast not, thou art not yet a Christian. (From Sermon 3: Awake Thou Sleeper) As I read through John Wesley’s sermons I am amazed at how often he defined a Christian…
Law of the Heart
"…did Jesus support the law or undermine it? What was at stake was his implicit, and sometimes explicit, claim: that in and through his own work Israel’s god was doing a new thing, or rather the new thing, that for which Israel had longed. And when that happened everything would be different. Torah could regulate…
The Point is Love
Jesus’ command to love hasn’t escaped my notice. When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus agreed that it was to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. It seems so clear, yet, I find it difficult. As I spend time with the spiritual masters…
Sleep Experiment update: Advice from Wesley
It was about 30 days ago that I decided to begin getting up early. For 30 days now my alarm has gone off and I have gotten up without getting back into bed. I find I enjoy my times in the morning, although I am finding this time change thing a bit difficult. As I…
Revisiting Holiness part 3
This is the third in a series of posts about holiness. First post||Second Post For a long time, holiness was a negative term for me because I always saw it as restrictive, difficult, and ineffective to the goals I had for my spiritual life. I wanted joy and I wanted love. Actually, I didn’t really…