Tag: culture
Experimental Ministry
Alan Roxburgh discusses Missional Imagination in his book “Introduction to the Missional Church.” In discussing Saul (later Paul) and his transformation he writes, “Information and definitions were not the issue; what Saul needed was a radical transformation of his imagination-of the way in which he saw the world.” So Roxburgh basically defines imagination as “how…
Jesus Sacrificed…so You Don’t Have To
Right now I’m reading Michael Slaughter’s new book Change The World. So far it is a great book and I really admire Slaughter for changing gears when he senses that God is moving in a different direction. At one point he writes, “It is not acceptable to make doctrine and church meetings a substitute for…
My Dissertation Project
I have started my dissertation project which is a good thing. Trying to explain it though is kind of difficult. The reason I have such difficult explaining it is because the project address cultural issues and the church’s response. I have read that there is an old Chinese proverb that says, “If you want to…
God Knows Your Name…Really!
I guess this comes from the “New for the Christian Culture” department. I guess with all the specialized bibles like the Women’s Devotional Bible, The Men’s Devotional Bible, The Spirit Filled Life Bible, The Teacher’s Bible, The Teen Bible, and others, it was just a matter of time until the most specialized version of the…
The High Cost of Evangelism
I find myself in a denomination that is concerned about it’s life. In North America, attendance is down, membership is down, churches are closing and it seems like it is a stretch to find things to celebrate. Statistics are watched closely. Any church that has growth is studied and, at times, used as a model.…