Fuzzy Thoughts of David


I use to think of Jesus a certain way and I’m finding more ‘voice’ to my views through N. T. Wright and others in the postmodern genre. Jesus is the one who tries to teach His followers the best possible way to live. Following Jesus doesn’t mean that things will be wonderful in my life, or that everything will work out. Following Jesus doesn’t mean I have to hold on to a set of beliefs and/or dogma. Following Jesus means living life the way He lived it. When I don’t, basically, I am swimming upstream from how life really is and operates. When I choose to live some other way, then I am trying to live a lie. Jesus _is_ the truth. He _is_ the Life. Any other way basically says, I don’t believe that Jesus knew the best way to live. What he calls me to is substandard to another way to live. This has huge implications to how I live and how I lead. It effects my view of sin and why sin is so destructive. Sin becomes trying to live by swimming against the flow of how life really is. Sin is denying the reality of life and living. Sin is trying to find a “new” way to discover abundant life. It just doesn’t work. …more later….

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