I guess this comes from the “New for the Christian Culture” department. I guess with all the specialized bibles like the Women’s Devotional Bible, The Men’s Devotional Bible, The Spirit Filled Life Bible, The Teacher’s Bible, The Teen Bible, and others, it was just a matter of time until the most specialized version of the bible would be published. The Personal Promise Bible puts your name in over 3000 different places in their Bible. So, instead of reading that “whosoever believes” you read, “David believes”, or “John Believes” …you get the picture.
Of course this is something we use to do with youth. We would read John 3:16 and put someone’s name there. Yet, this seems like it goes a bit far. To be honest, I almost laughed at first. I figured while someone was buying the Bible they could head on over to Yahoo.com and a Jessica Simpson song personalized for a couple of bucks. After all, it is all about us isn’t it.
Has it really come to this? Is this a bible that is needed for us to understand God’s love? Do we really need the personalized Bible? A Bible “as unique as you are.”
Well…time to put on my monogrammed polo shirt and get my personalized Bible.

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