Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Category: Reflections

  • The “C” Word

    The “C” Word

    When the doctor called me, he said I had a Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET). The preliminary report pointed in that direction and the biopsy confirmed it. After the preliminary report, I looked up NETs because I wanted to know more. I learned that they were not all cancerous. However, it is believed the non-cancerous NETs can…

  • Open Wide and Say…YES!

    Open Wide and Say…YES!

    Visiting the Grand Cayon during my sabbatical was amazing. The day was beautiful and warm, with very few, if any, clouds. It was going to be a great day to visit the canyon. We arrived, parked the car in one of the parking lots, and made our way to the visitor center. We then walked…

  • Lenten Opportunities

    Lenten Opportunities

    Spin Cycle My mom would quip how she didn’t know if she was coming or going from time to time. Her acknowledgment usually came during busy times when I wanted to start a new activity or had something I needed her to do. My mom and dad were 43 when I came into the picture.…

  • The Path To Peace

    The Path To Peace

    Addicted I have an unhealthy infatuation with time. There. I’ve admitted it. My time infatuation wasn’t easy to admit. At first, I wrote, “I’m beginning to realize that I have an unhealthy infatuation with time,” but that isn’t really admitting to the problem.

  • Not in Kansas

    Not in Kansas

    I’m beginning a retreat today, but I made the trip a day early for a meeting and to spend some time reading. I love the statement by Steinbeck that you don’t take a journey, a journey takes you. I’ve verified that statement many times. This journey is no exception.