Fuzzy Thoughts of David

What If The Story was Different?

As I was pondering the account of Joseph (or the story of Joseph) in Genesis 39, I started wondering, what would have happened if Joseph would have given in to Potiphar’s wife’s advances? After all, by not giving in and thus standing up for what was right he ended up in prision. How different would the story be if he had just said, “Sure! Why not? Mr. Potiphar isn’t around, he’ll never know.”

I guess I really don’t want to think about what would have happened. I assume that Joseph wouldn’t have ended up in prision. The bottom line is: The story would have been vastly different. I’m not sure in what way, but, it would have been different.

I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been as an inspiring story, or a story that sets forth an example . It would have been another story in the motif of Adam and Eve….see the one thing you can’t have, desire it, do it anyway (even though you know it is wrong). Joseph’s story, as is, stands as an example that our actions do matter. Even though we are saved by grace, our actions matter. Our actions have the power to change our story.

So, as I ponder Joseph, I have to ask myself: How different would my story be if I could be more like Joseph? How different would our collective stories be….our story as a people of God, if we, like Joseph, were able to walk (or run) away from that which temps us. It doesn’t really matter if that tempation is sexual in nature, or the desire for power, or recognition, or an easy life.

How different could our stories be…than they are right now?

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