Tag: Postmodernism
The Church on the Outside
I love the following stuff from theBlog blog. I wonder what will happen when the people of the Church stop seeing the ‘sanctuary’ as where God is and is released to discover God where ever God might be. I wonder how a view of "God outside of the box" of our buildings would change the…
I use to think of Jesus a certain way and I’m finding more ‘voice’ to my views through N. T. Wright and others in the postmodern genre. Jesus is the one who tries to teach His followers the best possible way to live. Following Jesus doesn’t mean that things will be wonderful in my life,…
I think the thing about the whole post-modern movement is the feeling that some are making it into some program. It seems like if there is anything that effects the church, we are able to turn it into a program and try to market it. For me, post-modernism is not a program, it is simply…
Authors and Publishers on Postmodernism Here’s …
Authors and Publishers on Postmodernism Here’s an article from the folks that market books to Christians about postmodernism. It probably should amaze me about how much Mel Gibson’s Passion movie is changing things. So far, on ABC, it looks like they will have specials on Paul and also on Judas. I just saw that Primetime…