Tag: Personality
Review – Quiet by Susan Cain
[amazon asin=0307352153&template=wishlist&chan=default] Susan Cain’s book on introversion is, in my estimation, an indispensable resource on challenges introverts face in an extroverted world. The book is well researched and written. The five years it Cain took to write is evident. I was surprised by the amount of research Quiet contained, and the extensive research serves as…
Review – The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg
[amazon asin=B0031QHHH4&template=wishlist] At one time in my life I believed that if I wanted to grow spiritually it meant praying for an hour each day. For a while I attempted this practice. Each morning I would arise with my outline and a watch. For a while I was able to successfully pray through the outline…