Tag: Death
Top 10 List on Why we are Dying…
Here’s my top 10 list on why are we dying? I’m sure there are others…. 10) Because we believe salvation is within our walls. 9) Because we are so busy with our own “stuff” 8) Because we have no idea what we are doing and we stopped being a long time ago. 7) Because we…
Man dies after 50 hours of computer games | CNET News.com
Man dies after 50 hours of computer games | CNET News.com Wow…. Talk about a man that needs a few more relationship. Not sure why I’m posting this to my blog, but I find this very sad…that someone could be able to spend that much time sitting around playing games. Also, I guess I’m not…
As a pastor, one of the things I get to do is perf…
As a pastor, one of the things I get to do is perform a funeral. At first, funerals really bothered me. However, now, I feel more comfortable. I am glad that I can serve in the capacity to help someone or a family through a time of grief. After all, death isn’t the end, but…