Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Category: Soul Issues

  • Signs of Resurrection – Ian Morgan Cron

    Ian Morgan Cron was asked where he saw signs of resurrection. He relates a retreat he led for worship leaders and what he discovered and what he is discovering. While not everyone will agree with what he says about worship trends, I love what he says about silence and noise. Perhaps it is time to…

  • Ash Wednesday Reflection: Lent and Dying to Yourself (Diana Butler Bass)

    Today’s Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning of Lent. Here are some thoughts from Diana Butler Bass as she reflects on Lent and denial. Lent & Dying To Self from The Work Of The People on Vimeo

  • Driving Out Vice

    From St. Francis of Assisi How Virtue Drives Out Vice 1. Where there is charity (love) and wisdom,        there is neither fear nor ignorance. 2. Where there is patience and humility,        there is neither anger nor disturbance. 3. Where there is poverty with joy,        there is neither covetousness nor avarice (greed). 4.…

  • Trouble

    “Human beings are in trouble most of the time. Those who don’t know they are in trouble are in the worst trouble.” – Eugene Peterson

  • New Directions

    I have a new phone and downloaded the wordpess app. Hopefully,  I can use this blog to post various thoughts about the spiritual life along with general life concerns.